Replacement Parts

These are cut and grooved K-23 Insulating Fire Bricks.They are available in 2.5″ and 3″.
If you require replacement bricks we will need to know the model and serial number of your kiln and the exact placement of the brick.
This copper connector and stainless steel set screw are used to attach the tail of the element to the wires in the control panel.
This part holds glass fuse in the control panel.
A wiring harness is the complete set of wires and connectors in your control panel.
If you require a set we will need to know the model and serial number of your kiln.
These infinite switches are used on kilns without a Bartlett controller to control rate of temperature rise in the kiln.
This is the knob which goes on the infinite switch on kilns without a bartlett controller
This terminal is part of the wiring harness in the control panel.
Specify voltage when ordering.Relays are available in12 volt,208 volt or 240 volt.
The most common relay on a kiln with an electronic controller is the 12 volt version.Please check with our technical support to determine which relay you need.
Ring terminals are used as a part of the wiring harness.
Spade terminals are part of the wiring harness in the control panel.
There are several coloursof switch wires available as part of the Cone Art colour coded wiring harness.The wire can be purchased separately .
This terminal block is CSA/CUL approved for use as a connecting block for the main power input up to 90 amps.
This is a high quality CSA/CUL approved transformer for use on kilns with electronic controllers such as the Bartlett.